Therefore, the regulation was modified (adding a second buck to the bag, which must be restricted to a buck with at least 1 unbranched antler) to allow more hunting opportunity while minimizing the risk of high-grading. The experimental antler restrictions, which were enforced last season in Austin, Colorado, Fayette, Lavaca, Lee and Washington counties, changed the historic definition from what Texans are accustomed to calling a legal. The likely result was high-grading of the buck population. The results showed that 71 percent of the respondents typically passed up a spike buck to harvest a buck with more points. With so many more "quality" bucks available for harvest, and only 1 buck tag available, few hunters chose to use their only buck tag on a spike. Rather, this is a result of far more bucks with an inside spread of 13 inches or greater - simply because there were a lot more 3.5- and 4.5-year-old bucks than ever before. This is not a result of there being fewer spikes during the second and third years. When a team needs more information to develop a feature, a spike allows them to develop the means and methodology first, before committing to a defined user story. Failure to comply can bring stiff penalties to the operator and the observer conducting the survey. The owner of the helicopter must also be permitted by Texas Parks and Wildlife in order to operate this type of business. During the second year of the regulation, only about 31% of all bucks brought to check stations were "spikes." The harvest of spikes dropped to only 20% (of the total buck harvest) during the final year (2004-05) of the experiment. Agile spikes are used during product development as a means to explore solutions for a user story for which the team cannot yet estimate a timeline. Texas Parks and Wildlife in Austin prior to the day of the.

The statewide harvest data indicates that 95% of all deer with at least 1 unbranched antler have less than a total of 4 points. During the first year, roughly 43% of all bucks checked were "spikes." For the purposes of this report, the term "spikes" includes all deer with at least one unbranched antler. The table to the right shows the number of legal deer brought to the voluntary check stations during each year of the experimental regulation. Spikes focus on gathering information and finding answers to a questions, rather than producing a shippable product. Why add a second buck to the bag? And why make "spikes" legal? Spike is the name for a timeboxed user story or Task that is created in order to research a question or resolve a problem.